Saturday, April 11, 2009

On the Road Again

For the second time now, I am inspired to write on the Bolt Bus. Maybe it is the fact that I am again surrounded by college students that is reminding me what a "college" week I had. Or maybe it is just because it is 7am on a Saturday and I have four hours on a bus ahead of me. At least this time, the guy next to me seems pretty engrossed in his book. Actually, now he is sleeping. Nice! I have my iPod playing a suitable soundtrack to my life on this gray morning, and I have already had my first cup of coffee, so I am good to go. My only obstacle is typing on these tiny keys on my phone, so we'll see how long this post gets.

So, I wanted to recount why this week reminded me so much of the College on the Hill. It all started last weekend at trivia. We didn't have a good week. In fact, it was our worst week in a while, probably because I contributed more than my usual share of (wrong) answers. Unfortunately, the answer to the half time question was NOT Mario Lopez, which put us even further behind than we already were. If we had won, it would have been one of the biggest second half comebacks in trivia history. Sadly, it was not to meant to be. There was, however, one event that night that was at least a little amusing to me. At the start of the third quarter, a police officer in uniform casually walked into the bar. I instinctively went to put down my drink and got slightly irritated that no one flashed the lights as a warning. Then I remembered that I am 22, and that we weren't in the AD basement. I wasn't even drinking this particular night. I guess I'm still conditioned to look out for S&S. Maybe I haven't grown up that much after all.

My next "college" moment this week came during an alumni event at the State Room. This place is beautiful, by the way, and unfortunately my three readers were not able to make it. Surrounded by my peers, as well as many older alums, and even some of the parents of people we went to school with, how could I not get a little nostalgic? DW knows why this last segment of the audience was so amusing to me, but I don't feel like it is appropriate to write on a blog. After all, this is the internet, and who knows who could be reading. Then there was President Wright's partially recycled speech that reminded me of both graduation and the Daniel Webster dinner last spring. I didn't mind being reminded of senior spring, since in some ways it was my favorite term on campus. I made it a goal to have a much fun as possible, which was made easier by the fact that I was taking two easy classes and NROing one. Side note: those T-shirts that said NRO life have a whole new meaning to me now. Anyway, I had plenty of time to do all those things I hadn't gotten to do in the previous 3.67 years. Well, I didn't get to everything, but I do have some good stories. Speaking of Senior Spring goals, there was an article in the Mirror yesterday about the Dartmouth Seven, which made me think, what if there were a Beantown Seven? What would they be? The risk would be considerably greater, since I imagine getting caught by the police would be worse than getting caught by S&S and being written up in the police blotter in the D on Wednesday morning. However, that doesn't mean I can't speculate what would be on the list if there were one. Let's the ducklings or the bridge in the public gardens? In Bates Hall in the public library? Fenway Park? On the T, a la Tom Cruise in Risky Business? This is interesting, to say the least, and while I'm not sure what the other three would be, I'm sure they would rival their Dartmouth counterparts. We may not be in college any more, but that doesn't mean that the real world can't also be our playground.

Well, my thumbs are getting tired, and I think it is time for some breakfast. I'm kind of regretting the 7am coffee, since I won't be able to nap now, and I woke up at 1am for the first time after going to sleep at midnight. Needless to say, it was a long night. Until my next post, you stay classy, Boston.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I'm just catching up on your posts now and I love them!!
