Sunday, April 26, 2009


Trivia last Sunday night was slightly better than two weeks ago, but we still did not emerge victorious. However, we did finish in fourth place, which actually turned out pretty well for us. To our surprise, the fourth place players were fated to be the lucky recipients of three advance screening passes to the movie "The Soloist," which is a far better prize than the $30 gift certificate to the bar. We also got three tshirts as an added bonus, and when free T-shirts are involved, you know I'm there. A guy claiming to be from Paramount Studios actually approached us to take a photo. I felt like a movie star! It was a great way to end to the night. It must be noted that this pseudo-victory was not without a fight, as well as some quick math skills on the part of David Steinberg '08. Somehow, a team with 93 points had been declared the fourth place finisher, while we had 102. Knowing that this injustice could not stand, our team appealed and justice was served. Overall, the night's questions had a rather dark tone, as we had to identify gun laws as well as famous assassins and their victims. Why is it that so many famous assassins used their middle name? I'd think twice about dating a guy who did that, to be honest. Like I've said before, it's a dangerous world out there, people. In the end, I didn't mind that we didn't win at trivia. Honestly, since "My Couch Pulls Out But I Don't" wasn't competing that night, it would have been an empty victory anyway.

Earlier that day, DW and I relived our college days by taking in a match at school. One of our regular fans (yes, we had regular fans), who coincidentally watched me play for the past four years asked me if I was a freshmen on the team while I was sitting in the audience. I kindly told her that I graduated last June. Also, if I was a freshman, I probably should have been wearing a uniform. OOPS! DW and I went to another match on Wednesday at Harvard. I promise, we're not living in the past.

In other news, I have a new "everywhere person." I had one in college, too. His name was Ian Boneysteele, but I have never spoken to him. I saw him ALL THE TIME in the most random places. It was completely unintentional, and got to be kind of humorous after a while. That being said, I went to college in a tiny town, so chances are you'd have the same favorite places to study as someone else. Well, there is now a man who lives on my block who has replaced Mr. Boneysteele as my "everywhere person." However, it is a little different this time because we're in the city now and he is a complete stranger. I feel like this is the kind of thing that people would post as a "Missed Encounter" on Craig's List. Have you ever read the these? They're priceless, and if you haven't read them you should really check them out. Here are a few of my faves:

"I saw you at trader joe's Cambridge today. you were behind me in line. you bought a bag of lime. You are beautiful. I like to know you."

DAMN IT. I was the girl who bought a bag of lemons. Oh well, I judge you when you use poor grammar anyway.

"You stared at me on the orange and red lines. You had lots of freckles and green or blue eyes. I have brown hair and green eyes, was dressed in black cause I was going to/from work, had a skateboard, and might have been wearing a scaillie cap, or not. I was rocking out to my IPod as always. You stared alot but wouldn't make a move. Am I supposed to stop listening to my jams and make the first move or something? Why don't you speak up? This has happened so many times now. :-( "

The sad face just conveys so much emotion here. You have to feel for this guy.

To Janna from Comcast: "Thanks for the great deal on internet!! Your voice is incredible. Accept it!"

The first half of this post is pretty normal (for missed encounter standards), but I love that this guy is encouraging his mystery woman to accept herself. What empowerment. Classic...

I actually just saw my everywhere person in my laundromat yesterday. We said hello this time though, since running into each other has become a regular occurrence. Good thing I was wearing a hoodie and my glasses. Really, I haven't let myself go...yet.

A last point: the guy who placed his mat directly in front of mine at yoga on Thursday should think about investing in some spandex shorts. You know that Friends episode where Phoebe's boyfriend doesn't wear spandex but should and Ross, Chandler, and Joey try to tell him subtly that he's exposing himself--that reminded me of this guy. In general, I'd say that pants should be your go-to option for practicing yoga, regardless of your sex. If you don't want to wear pants, at least get yourself some spandex. You can get into some pretty compromising positions! I think that will be the advice I leave you with for this week. Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I had an everywhere person at school, too and have another one in Boston now. It's so awkward!!
