Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bringing Blogging Back

Yes, my friends, it is time for a new blog entry. I know you've been waiting with anticipation for this moment since early May, and it is finally here. I probably should feel some pressure to live up to the hype, but a lot of interesting things have happened recently that will surely entertain you for a few minutes. So without further ado I'm ...


I'll give a month by month summary of my life since May, leaving out key details for the sake of privacy.

June - KJS got married. Her wedding was awesome. Got to hang out in South Beach with old friends. Gave up coffee at the end of the month and went through serious withdrawal.

July - Another year older. WHOO. Visited home mid-month; had an above average trip on the Bolt Bus (read old posts to understand part of the reason why I need to mention this - I'm just being fair and balanced in my representation of people I've met on public transportation).

August - It was ridiculously hot. I didn't have air conditioning in my apartment (it's kind of complicated, but we never had it at home growing up, so I didn't think to get it in my studio until it was too late, and then I didn't bother). As a result, I sat in front of my little fan, ate boyo or Cafe Podima frozen yogurt for dinner an inordinate number of times, and watched way too much NCIS. Oh, and sometimes I would go into work early just to enjoy the AC.

September - Moved into a new apartment with J. It's been fun so far (I hope J agrees). Federer lost in the US Open Final; I was crushed. It's ok, I'm over it now but it was a pretty rough week. My little brother turned 21, and started his senior year of college. Yikes.

October - How is it already October? I'm writing this in Italy but probably won't post until I return to the States. This brings me to the real points I'd like to make in this post...the top five things I've enjoyed in Tuscany (in no particular order because I'm bad at structuring my thoughts)

1. Il David. Everyone is OBSESSED with il David in Florence. DW even got little David statues to bring home as gifts for her coworkers (apparently they want tiny naked men to adorn their desks?). My coworkers are getting postcards. I care about them just as much, I promise! It was really an awe-inspiring sculpture, though, and it was probably my favorite piece of art from this week. That's saying something too, since we saw a lot of art!

2. Siena - Everything about this city is wonderful. I was particularly impressed with the Piazza del Campo, which you would probably recognize from the opening scene of Quantum of Solace (Daniel Craig's first Bond movie - I'm hoping you knew that). It is the piazza where they have the horse race, which gets interrupted by a violent chase (a standard part of the James Bond formula). Random fact - In an effort to preserve my GPA senior year, I took an enlightening class in the Film Studies department called "Bond and Beyond" which was a 10A. We'd watch a James Bond move each Tuesday and Thursday morning and then talk about it. Kind of awesome. Fortunately, we didn't make it to the Pierce Brosnan ones. I say "fortunately" since I can't stand him in the role. He's great in Remington Steele (yet another underappreciated TV show that I'll have to write about in another post), but he just isn't convincing as James Bond. Feel free to disagree, but remember that I'm the one with this class on my college transcript. Anyway, Siena was really beautiful, and I enjoyed just wandering the streets for the afternoon.

3. Chianti - We drank this every day. Sometimes twice. I have to admit I've never liked red wine before (instead opting for pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc), but now I'm a convert. Not much else to say other than that one of my favorite parts of the trip was lunch at the peak of Poggio Scali, which took nearly two hours to reach on foot. We enjoyed pecorino, fresh bread, prosciutto, and chianti from a local grocer. The view wasn't bad either.

4. Gelato - I ate gelato 4 out of the 5 days of the trip, and I have the photographic evidence to prove it. Nocciola is by far the best flavor, but pistachio was a close second in my book. That being said, about half the flavors were chocolate so I can't really speak objectively about this. I was very tempted to try Nutella, but 10 years is a long time and I didn't want to break my streak without careful consideration (especially for a product that I can buy in the States). I think I might be ready to eat chocolate soon though - just saying. Speaking of which, I did drink espresso this week, after not drinking coffee of any kind since the end of June. The withdrawal was painful enough to keep me away from it for a few months, but seriously, WHAT WAS I THINKING! Worst decision ever. I am going to try to incorporate a moderate amount of coffee into my life at home. This is going to be tough since I don't do so well with moderation, but I think I can handle it. I just miss having coffee in my life. Those cozy mornings doing the crossword just aren't the same with a cup of tea.

5. DW has a really awesome story that I'm not sure she wants published on this blog. Need to get clearance first to share the details, but it really was an integral part of our trip here. The reason I can't just write down all the facts is because it concerns another individual who is quite famous in certain circles and might not want to be named on my little blog. He has a stalker or two (seriously), and I wouldn't want to contribute to any personal stress. Oh, and he is on a date with DW in Paris right now. Pas mal, DW, pas mal...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Public Health Announcement

I'm thinking of giving my blog a new title, as many of my posts have dealt with the dangers one encounters in day to day life. Today, I will report on another threat to your well-being that you probably already know about unless you live under a rock (or possibly in Australia): SWINE FLU. Watch out, people. This could be coming to a state near YOU sooner than you think. I just got a breaking news alert from The eDartmouth that New Hampshire has a staggering TWO "probable" cases of this deadly killer. I was going to go up for Green Key, but maybe I should stay away. The way I see it, frat basements would be the perfect breeding ground for such a disease. In the mean time, my coworkers and I will be designing a line of fashionable face masks to deter the spread of the disease. The fact that they aren't that effective at preventing the disease is meaningless to me. We will assume a fixed (not variable) cost model, and will be forced to go out of business in a matter of weeks. It will be just like the Michael Scott Paper Company, except for the whole paper thing.

I went shopping after work on Wednesday on Newbury Street. Jon Scherr '08 walked past me but didn't make eye contact. From the looks of it, he was thinking intensely about something. MISSED ENCOUNTER ALERT! I should post on Craigs List.

It has recently come to my attention that a girl I played junior tennis against is pregnant. Facebook alerted me. I didn't recognize her from her photo, as her hair is now jet black (she was blonde when she was 12). She may have dyed her hair, but she can't hide her baby bump. From the looks of it, she is due in a week. I would wish her congratulations, but we haven't spoken in a decade, and we weren't friends when we knew each other.

I also just found out that my team's clients Googled my name and told my boss about what they found. How awkward is that? My boss reported to me that they read about how I was a ranked tennis player in Massachusetts. I don't really know how they came up with that (since it isn't true and doesn't appear in the results when you search my name), or why they would admit to stalking me in such a manner. I think they meant well, though, which is what counts I suppose.

Speaking of tennis, a former teammate ("KJ") and and I hit last weekend, which was a lot of fun. I'm protecting her identity here due to the sensitive nature of the story I am about to share. We had a perfect afternoon planned out (we both like to plan things), as our college's baseball team was in town to play for the Rolfe Division title. It just so happens that the Harvard outdoor tennis courts are right next to the baseball field, so we figured we could hit first and then watch the game. The only snag (which we discovered upon approaching the man at the front desk) was that we were apparently banned from the courts due to the fact that we weren't affiliated with Harvard. I suppose we could have lied and said that we were grad students and had simply forgotten our ID's, but being the honest girls we are, KJ and I told the truth. The man at the desk (clearly underestimating us) told us that normally, he would let us play at the guest rate, but since it was such a nice day, he couldn't give us a court because they were all in use at that time. After asking if there were any other courts nearby and being told that there weren't, KJ and I left the building. We then took a stroll around the perimeter of the outdoor courts, to survey the scene. As it just so happened, the man at the desk had lied to us, as about a quarter of the courts were not in use. We had gone out of our way to be honest with him, and the least he could do was reciprocate, but he chose not to. This is yet another example of why I hold Harvard in such high regard.

KJ and I decided that we WERE going to play--all we needed was a way to get on the courts. At first, it appeared that all the gates were locked, but lo and behold, some players leaving the facility had accidentally left one of the gates open! We took this chance to claim one of the courts, which KJ declared as the "most illicit thing she has ever done." I have to admit, I felt pretty guilty about the whole thing as well. After getting on a court (far away from the main building), we began to worry how we would leave. All the gates were supposed to be locked, so there was a good chance someone would close the gate we had come in. The main exit was though the pavilion where the front desk was located. Putting this out of our minds, we hit for about an hour, which made me feel like I was in college again. Before leaving, though, we had to devise an escape route. We both changed our shirts, donned hats and sunglasses, and pretended to be talking on our blackberries in case we had to encounter the man who had so rudely misled us. As it turned out, we were able to get out the same open gate that we came in, so we were able to leave undetected. The way I see it, we would have paid the (inflated) non-member rate to play if the man at the desk had given us a court, but as it turned out we were able to play for free. I felt pretty good about that. I also felt pretty good about the fact that our baseball team clinched the division title, and that our team (despite being the visitors) had many more hecklers than Harvard's team.

The Honest Bro has said it before, but I'll say it again right now: I'm glad my identity is a secret so that I can share stories like this one.

Up Next: A review of "taste tripping"- stay tuned!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Trivia last Sunday night was slightly better than two weeks ago, but we still did not emerge victorious. However, we did finish in fourth place, which actually turned out pretty well for us. To our surprise, the fourth place players were fated to be the lucky recipients of three advance screening passes to the movie "The Soloist," which is a far better prize than the $30 gift certificate to the bar. We also got three tshirts as an added bonus, and when free T-shirts are involved, you know I'm there. A guy claiming to be from Paramount Studios actually approached us to take a photo. I felt like a movie star! It was a great way to end to the night. It must be noted that this pseudo-victory was not without a fight, as well as some quick math skills on the part of David Steinberg '08. Somehow, a team with 93 points had been declared the fourth place finisher, while we had 102. Knowing that this injustice could not stand, our team appealed and justice was served. Overall, the night's questions had a rather dark tone, as we had to identify gun laws as well as famous assassins and their victims. Why is it that so many famous assassins used their middle name? I'd think twice about dating a guy who did that, to be honest. Like I've said before, it's a dangerous world out there, people. In the end, I didn't mind that we didn't win at trivia. Honestly, since "My Couch Pulls Out But I Don't" wasn't competing that night, it would have been an empty victory anyway.

Earlier that day, DW and I relived our college days by taking in a match at school. One of our regular fans (yes, we had regular fans), who coincidentally watched me play for the past four years asked me if I was a freshmen on the team while I was sitting in the audience. I kindly told her that I graduated last June. Also, if I was a freshman, I probably should have been wearing a uniform. OOPS! DW and I went to another match on Wednesday at Harvard. I promise, we're not living in the past.

In other news, I have a new "everywhere person." I had one in college, too. His name was Ian Boneysteele, but I have never spoken to him. I saw him ALL THE TIME in the most random places. It was completely unintentional, and got to be kind of humorous after a while. That being said, I went to college in a tiny town, so chances are you'd have the same favorite places to study as someone else. Well, there is now a man who lives on my block who has replaced Mr. Boneysteele as my "everywhere person." However, it is a little different this time because we're in the city now and he is a complete stranger. I feel like this is the kind of thing that people would post as a "Missed Encounter" on Craig's List. Have you ever read the these? They're priceless, and if you haven't read them you should really check them out. Here are a few of my faves:

"I saw you at trader joe's Cambridge today. you were behind me in line. you bought a bag of lime. You are beautiful. I like to know you."

DAMN IT. I was the girl who bought a bag of lemons. Oh well, I judge you when you use poor grammar anyway.

"You stared at me on the orange and red lines. You had lots of freckles and green or blue eyes. I have brown hair and green eyes, was dressed in black cause I was going to/from work, had a skateboard, and might have been wearing a scaillie cap, or not. I was rocking out to my IPod as always. You stared alot but wouldn't make a move. Am I supposed to stop listening to my jams and make the first move or something? Why don't you speak up? This has happened so many times now. :-( "

The sad face just conveys so much emotion here. You have to feel for this guy.

To Janna from Comcast: "Thanks for the great deal on internet!! Your voice is incredible. Accept it!"

The first half of this post is pretty normal (for missed encounter standards), but I love that this guy is encouraging his mystery woman to accept herself. What empowerment. Classic...

I actually just saw my everywhere person in my laundromat yesterday. We said hello this time though, since running into each other has become a regular occurrence. Good thing I was wearing a hoodie and my glasses. Really, I haven't let myself go...yet.

A last point: the guy who placed his mat directly in front of mine at yoga on Thursday should think about investing in some spandex shorts. You know that Friends episode where Phoebe's boyfriend doesn't wear spandex but should and Ross, Chandler, and Joey try to tell him subtly that he's exposing himself--that reminded me of this guy. In general, I'd say that pants should be your go-to option for practicing yoga, regardless of your sex. If you don't want to wear pants, at least get yourself some spandex. You can get into some pretty compromising positions! I think that will be the advice I leave you with for this week. Think about it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Scrabble, Continued

I feel like I need to explain myself after being slightly misrepresented in THB's most recent post. So, here is the entire story, from the beginning. It all started out on an uneventful Sunday evening. I was visiting my parents, and I don't typically do much other than watch TV or read after dinner when I'm at home. The night before, I had actually gone out for one of the first times in my hometown--I find it a little uncomfortable to drink where I grew up, because I haven't lived there for an extended period of time since turning 21. However, I made an exception for this occasion. I'm not in town that often, and I thought it would be nice to catch up with an old friend. The original plan was to get coffee, but really, no one wants to be that "mocha-latte-cafe-americano-drinking" group of girls in the local Starbucks at 9pm on a Saturday night. Instead, we decided to be sophisticated, and tried out a new wine bar in town, called Vintage Port (Get it? Maybe you don't. It's supposed to be play on my town's name, which I won't disclose here for privacy purposes). After a glass and a half of sauvignon blanc, I was ready to call it a night. It wasn't that much of a "night out," but we did have a nice conversation. You have to give me a break though--I had slept about 6 hours in the previous two nights combined, and I needed a good night of sleep. Side note: what kind of wine bar doesn't have a pinot grigio by the glass on its wine list? That is simply unacceptable in my book. I bet the store owners don't even know how biodynamics relate to the process of making wine. ANYWAY, my point is that when I'm at home, I live a very contained life. I go to my high school track to run 5 miles on a regular basis. I do the crossword with my coffee in the morning after paging through Newsday. And I play Scrabble with anyone in my family who will play with me, which is usually my Mom. It's OK. I know I'm cool.

So, how could I NOT take offense when The Honest Bro insulted my very way of life? A sacred ritual in my household? I could not stand for this! In my friendly attempt (re-read my greeting, if you will--"Hi, friends") to bring this hallowed tradition to the streets of Boston, I was sarcastically shot down. Quelle horreur! You know what, I think I'm going to take the high road on this one. The offer still stands. I'd love to play a game of Scrabble with any of you readers out there now that I have a vintage board here. Oh, and FYI, last time I played, I opened the game with a seven letter word. YOU try to come back after being behind by 83 points when you haven't even made a move yet. It isn't easy, let me tell you.

A little more on Scrabble, since it is just that awesome. If you haven't seen this game played on ESPN, you are seriously missing out. They have these 12- and 13-year old whiz kids popping out seven letter words like it's their job. These kids have memorized the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, and can spout out every two letter word there is. In fact, one of these kids could probably beat me with his eyes closed, and one hand tied behind his back. Sadly, this isn't the only thing that people ten years younger than I am can do far better than I ever will, but I can at least dream of greatness.

Second note: at home, we keep our Scrabble letters in a purple velvet Crown Royal whiskey pouch. I have no idea where this came from; my parents never drink. We have had it for at least 15 years though, from back when I used to eat Alphabet cereal. Actually, that's not true. We always ate Cheerios in my house growing up, which aren't as good for spelling out words. They can reduce your cholesterol, though, so I've got that going for me.

Third point (which isn't directly related to Scrabble): I wore a Polo shirt to work today, in honor of THB's latest post. It had thin yellow and white vertical stripes, and a little embroidered horse in multi-colored thread, because I'm classy like that. The homeless man who sits by Dunkin' Donuts (you know who I'm talking about) complimented me on my attire.

One final note. I told my sister about this blog, as well as the blogs of THB and IRNJ&OT, this week. Since she currently resides in Sydney, I suppose that all three of us can say that we have readers around the world. Pretty cool, if you ask me... (Hi, Kate!)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scrabble Challenge

Hi friends! I have an important announcement to make, so this post will be brief. I will be bringing a Scrabble board back to Boston, which I am pretty excited about. This is my official open challenge to anyone who wants to play. Let me know if you're up for a game! In the meantime, get your game face on...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

On the Road Again

For the second time now, I am inspired to write on the Bolt Bus. Maybe it is the fact that I am again surrounded by college students that is reminding me what a "college" week I had. Or maybe it is just because it is 7am on a Saturday and I have four hours on a bus ahead of me. At least this time, the guy next to me seems pretty engrossed in his book. Actually, now he is sleeping. Nice! I have my iPod playing a suitable soundtrack to my life on this gray morning, and I have already had my first cup of coffee, so I am good to go. My only obstacle is typing on these tiny keys on my phone, so we'll see how long this post gets.

So, I wanted to recount why this week reminded me so much of the College on the Hill. It all started last weekend at trivia. We didn't have a good week. In fact, it was our worst week in a while, probably because I contributed more than my usual share of (wrong) answers. Unfortunately, the answer to the half time question was NOT Mario Lopez, which put us even further behind than we already were. If we had won, it would have been one of the biggest second half comebacks in trivia history. Sadly, it was not to meant to be. There was, however, one event that night that was at least a little amusing to me. At the start of the third quarter, a police officer in uniform casually walked into the bar. I instinctively went to put down my drink and got slightly irritated that no one flashed the lights as a warning. Then I remembered that I am 22, and that we weren't in the AD basement. I wasn't even drinking this particular night. I guess I'm still conditioned to look out for S&S. Maybe I haven't grown up that much after all.

My next "college" moment this week came during an alumni event at the State Room. This place is beautiful, by the way, and unfortunately my three readers were not able to make it. Surrounded by my peers, as well as many older alums, and even some of the parents of people we went to school with, how could I not get a little nostalgic? DW knows why this last segment of the audience was so amusing to me, but I don't feel like it is appropriate to write on a blog. After all, this is the internet, and who knows who could be reading. Then there was President Wright's partially recycled speech that reminded me of both graduation and the Daniel Webster dinner last spring. I didn't mind being reminded of senior spring, since in some ways it was my favorite term on campus. I made it a goal to have a much fun as possible, which was made easier by the fact that I was taking two easy classes and NROing one. Side note: those T-shirts that said NRO life have a whole new meaning to me now. Anyway, I had plenty of time to do all those things I hadn't gotten to do in the previous 3.67 years. Well, I didn't get to everything, but I do have some good stories. Speaking of Senior Spring goals, there was an article in the Mirror yesterday about the Dartmouth Seven, which made me think, what if there were a Beantown Seven? What would they be? The risk would be considerably greater, since I imagine getting caught by the police would be worse than getting caught by S&S and being written up in the police blotter in the D on Wednesday morning. However, that doesn't mean I can't speculate what would be on the list if there were one. Let's the ducklings or the bridge in the public gardens? In Bates Hall in the public library? Fenway Park? On the T, a la Tom Cruise in Risky Business? This is interesting, to say the least, and while I'm not sure what the other three would be, I'm sure they would rival their Dartmouth counterparts. We may not be in college any more, but that doesn't mean that the real world can't also be our playground.

Well, my thumbs are getting tired, and I think it is time for some breakfast. I'm kind of regretting the 7am coffee, since I won't be able to nap now, and I woke up at 1am for the first time after going to sleep at midnight. Needless to say, it was a long night. Until my next post, you stay classy, Boston.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

FNL, and Some Other Wholesome Television

Upon hearing the news that Friday Night Lights would be renewed for another season (from IRNJ&OT), I immediately knew what my next post would be about. FNL is flat out quality television, and I don't even like football. I'd watch the guy who plays Tim Riggins play curling if they made a show about that, although a TV series set in Canada might require its cast to wear more clothing than the current location of Dillon, Texas. Where's the fun in that?

I actually first started watching FNL because of Kyle Chandler. Yep, he plays the middle-aged coach of the Dillon Panthers. Fun fact: his wife on the show, played by Connie Britton, went to Dartmouth in real life and majored in Asian Studies. She is fluent in Chinese. (IMDB is amazing for this sort of thing. Maybe if I spent more time on this site I'd be better at trivia...). The reason I like the actor who plays the coach goes back 10 years (when Kyle Chandler was only about 35 instead of 44, which he is now. He doesn't look that old, I promise). When I was twelve, I started watching a show he starred in called "Early Edition" that aired on CBS. I was constantly fighting with my parents about what TV shows were acceptable for me to watch. My mother seemed to think that 'Friends' and 'Dawson's Creek' were "too sexual" for someone my age. If 'Gossip Girl' had aired ten years ago, I don't even want to think how my mother would have reacted. Things turned out ok as far as my TV viewing was concerned, since I got a TV (and cable!) in my bedroom shortly thereafter and watched whatever I wanted while I was supposedly 'doing my homework,' To this day, I look back and think how rebellious I was at this point in my life. In my family, we have since (unofficially) adopted a policy of just not talking about anything that might be considered controversial by my parents (drinking, sex, etc.). I figure, what they don't know can't hurt them--not that I live a morally reprehensible life or anything. Clearly, this is very healthy for us. I was a psych major, so I would know.

Bottom line is that my parents approved of Early Edition. As it turns out, Kyle Chandler became the first actor I remember having a serious crush on. I'm going to pause for a moment fill you in on what this show was about, since you're probably a bit confused, and apparently no one has heard of this gem. Contrary to what the title would suggest, Early Edition is not a 5pm news show designed for senior citizens who eat dinner at 4pm and can't stay up for the regular 6 o'clock news. Instead I give you this summary:

"His name is Gary Hobson. He gets tomorrow's newspaper today. He doesn't know how. He doesn't know why. All he knows is when the early edition hits his doorstep, he has twenty-four hours to set things right." -

If that isn't the basis for compelling television, I don't know what is. Gary would have to prevent all sorts of crises in high-pressure situations. In the pilot, he lost his job as a stockbroker, and woke up the next morning to find the paper on his doorstep. He became a bartender to pay the bills, which meant he basically could just go off and save the world during the day while leaving the store in the care of his blind friend Marissa and his former stockbroker buddy Chuck. In general, the show has a very positive message, which is why my parents approved of it. Gary only used the paper for good, although I'm sure you can see the potential to abuse this gift. In the pilot, Gary used the paper to win some money at the race track, since he could conveniently find the winning horses in the sports section. Instead of turning to the metaphorical dark side, though, our hero decided to use his winnings to buy a guide dog for Marissa, and then made the bold choice to help innocent people from all sorts of freak accidents on a weekly basis. I can't even express how much I loved this show! It should NEVER have been cancelled. Sadly, it isn't ever replayed on TV, so I'm not sure many other people loved it as much as I did. Anyway, the fact that FNL has been renewed makes me think that there is, in fact, justice in the world of television. Kyle Chandler deserves it.


Oh, one more thing. The FNL season finale is next Friday. Can't wait! Who wants to watch with me? The last few episodes have been pretty intense, with last night's episode covering the state finals and JD's issues with his parents. Personally, I think Lyla is being kind of stupid for turning down Vanderbilt to be with Riggins at San Antonio state, but now that there are two more seasons, we'll get to see where things go with the two of them. I don't even want to think about Matt possibly leaving Julie Taylor to go to college in Chicago, since they finally got back together. Sorry if I spoiled the plot at all for you, but you should have watched last night. At least I didn't give away what happened in the state finals. You're on your own for that one.